The symposium at Rutgers University to honor Jean Taylor and celebrate her many accomplishments has been expanded to a day-and-a-half by popular demand. Professor Taylor took early retirement last summer, has moved to New York, and continues her work at the Courant Institute.
The symposium will now begin at 4:30 pm on Thursday January 30, in room 705, Hill Center, and continue through approximately 7 pm when it will adjourn to a local restaurant. The symposium will reconvene at 9:00 am Friday morning January 31, 2003, again in room 705, Hill Center, and end with a social hour and party-dinner that evening in Princeton. In between there will be lunch, beverages, cookies and camaradarie.
You are welcome to come for any or all of the festival. Currently, there does not seem to be any extra space for further contributed talks. (For those of you on the schedule whose talks are listed as TBA, please provide a title.) If you plan to attend, please respond by sending an e-mail to There is no funding attached to this symposium, and you will be requested to make a modest contribution for the cost of meals.
The tentative program is appended. Updates on the program, will be posted on as well as at
Directions to the Hill Center have been recently revised because of construction.
Tentative program for Jean Taylor Symposium
Thursday January 30, 2002 3:30 Coffee 4:30 Felix Browder: The significance of Jean Taylor and her work 5:00 Marjorie Senechal: What's quasi about quasicrystals 5:30 Rob Kusner: Tightly Tied Rope 5:50 Chandler Davis: Crystalline wavelets 6:10 Ivan Blank: A free boundary problem arising in the optimization of eigenvalues for a composite membrane 6:30 Shirley Malcom: Nurturing talent for mathematics Dinner at a local restaurant Friday January 31 8:30 Coffee 9:00 Robert F. Almgren: Optimal glider flying 9:30 David Caraballo: New Barrier Estimates For Flat Curvature Flow of Partitions 10:00 Ann S. Almgren: Numerical simulation of 3-D turbulent premixed combustion 10:30 Robert V. Kohn: Soft ferromagnetic thin films coffee break 11:15 Carol Handwerker: When materials meet mathematics: Divining how interfaces move 11:45 W. Craig Carter: Diamonds (and other shapes) in the ruff 12:15 John W. Cahn: Thirty years of Tayloring diffuse ideas 12:45 - 2:00 Lunch 2:00 Frank Morgan: Soap bubble clusters 2:30 Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and other topics 3:00 Ivars Peterson: An Iridescent Journey into Mathematical Art Tea 4:30 Enrico Bombieri: A short history of number theory Pizza, Chinese take-out, and drinks at Riverside Drive, Princeton